redsnapper (2)
Kakap Merah (2)
redsnapper (3)

Red Snapper, Lutjanus spp

Red Snapper is a medium-sized fish with a moderately lean, firm, and white flesh. The meat is light in color and has a delicate flavor. It can be broiled, grilled, pan-fried, steamed, baked or deep-fried. Red snapper’s lightly sweet flavor goes well with almost any seasoning.

Weight : 100% Nett Weight
Temp : -18°C
Freeze Method: IQF
Packaging : IWP or IVP, Bulkpack or Retail

Natural Cut@2x

Frozen Fillet Skin On Portion Cut

Red snapper will be fillet cut naturally with the skin still intact and not damaging the meat. Fish bones and scales were removed entirely. Then it will be cut into portion cut.